Xander and Jia's story continues in Tease of Spades and Queen of his Heart. Please note Ace of Hearts is book 1 in the Game of Love series. In the end, there’s no way this will end well. The more I realize what’s going on is above me too. But… the more I dig the more secrets I find. With a body made for serious sinning, Jia Marchesi reminded me of what I wanted and never had. Greedy mobster…he got caught up in something above him and dragged her in too. I’m here for one single reason – to steal from her father, the Vegas Mafia King. Marine, agent, hacker, thief, killer… Now I’m a fraud. You look at her and you forget… everything. Plant Patent PP17,161 was issued on October 24, 2006.She was the innocent I was meant to resist, but she feels like my last chance at redemption. Which in and of itself is something of a miracle.
Daniel (Dean Cain) is a veteran lawman in a K-9 unit and the proud caretaker of Ace, a diligent pooch who knows how to track and catch bad guys without ripping them to pieces. YOU HAD ME AT HEART-SHAPED LEAVES Redbuds are always one of the first on the spring scene. It was selected for asexual propagation by budding at the Shadow Nursery in Winchester, Tennessee from a mass planting of species plants at Morganton, North Carolina. The 'Ace' in the appealing family film Ace of Hearts is a police dog partnered with a straight-arrow cop. Broad, ovate-cordate, dark green leaves (to 2.6" long and to 2.5" wide) turn yellow in fall. Fruits (flattened legumes) are rarely produced. Clusters of tiny, reddish-purple, pea-like flowers bloom for 2-3 weeks in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges. It typically grows as a single trunk tree (average diameter of 4") to 12' tall and to 15' wide. 'Ace of Hearts' is distinguished by its (a) compact habit, (b) semi-glossy, heart-shaped leaves on zig-zag stems, and (c) dense dome-shaped canopy which typically requires no pruning. Specific epithet is in reference to Canada (southern Ontario) being part of the native range of this tree. Genus name comes from the Greek word kerkis meaning "weaver's shuttle" in reference to the resemblance of each seed pod to a weaver's shuttle. Cercis canadensis is the state tree of Oklahoma. Leaves turn pale yellow to greenish-yellow in fall. Gameplay edit In the 17th century French game Le Jeu de la Guerre, the ace of hearts represented the cavalry. There is one ace of hearts in a standard deck of 52 cards. Cercis canadensis, commonly called eastern redbud, is a deciduous, often multi-trunked understory tree with a rounded crown that typically matures to 20-30. Alternate, simple, cordate, broadly ovate to nearly orbicular, dull green to blue-green leaves (3-5” across) have a papery texture and are short pointed at the tip. The ace of hearts (A) is a card in a deck of playing cards: the ace in the suit of hearts (). Flowers are followed by flattened leguminous bean-like dry seedpods (to 2-4” long) that mature to brown in summer.

Flowers (to ½” wide) bloom in clusters of 4-10. It is found in open woodlands, thickets, woodland margins, limestone glades and along rocky streams and bluffs throughout Missouri (Steyermark).

This tree is native to eastern and central North America from Connecticut to New York to southern Ontario and the Great Lakes south to Western Texas and Florida. It is particularly noted for its stunning pea-like rose-purple flowers which bloom profusely on bare branches in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges. Cercis canadensis, commonly called eastern redbud, is a deciduous, often multi-trunked understory tree with a rounded crown that typically matures to 20-30’ tall with a slightly larger spread.